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All Leisuregaz (OEM) Products

Leisuregaz (OEM) supply the following products below. Click on a product below to find a stockist.

'Leisuregaz (OEM)'

  1. Leisuregaz 007 (OEM) for Convertors/ Image
    Leisuregaz 007 (OEM) for Convertors/

    The perfect solution for Van Convertors etc. where limited space is available. A top quality product that is virtually identical to the Campingaz 907.

    Product Specifications
    Total Weight: 6.45 kg Content Weight: 2.7 kg
    Tare Weight: 3.75 kg Height: 250mm
    Diameter: 200mm CG Ref: (Regulator): CG6
    Gas Connection: Butane
    Availability: Hire / Refill

About Leisuregaz (OEM)

The Leisuregaz 007 is the ideal alternative to the Campingaz 907 due to its constant availability and reasonable price.

View further information about Leisuregaz (OEM)

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Postal Address

Leisuregaz (OEM)
Leisuregaz Ltd, Unit 1, Trafford Road
M30 0JX
United Kingdom