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Cebora TIG AC-DC EVO 260/T Robot Welding Machines
Cebora offers, for TIG welding applications in the field of automation and robotics, two DC TIG welding power sources of 320 and 500A and three AC-DC TIG welding power sources from 260 to 450A. The 500 DC model (Art 363.80) and the AC-DC models 450A (Art.371.80) and 330A (Art.370.80) are complete with cooling unit, while for the 320A DC model (art. 373.80) and 260A AC-DC model (Art. 369.80) the cooling unit is optional.
The power sources are suitable for welding also in the “cold wire” configuration (that is with filler material in continuous wire), using the various purposely developed accessories.
It is also possible to equip the power sources with an analogic type interface, with its relevant wirings and connections of different lengths.
The “cold wire” version, which requires to fit in the power source the optional wire feed unit power supply kit art. 111, also includes a dedicated wire feed unit WF4-R6 (art. 1667), spool holders and liners, connections and wirings of different lengths according to the specific needs of each user.